Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I need to get some shyt off my chest. A few months ago there was a blog talk radio show about DEAD BEAT DADS. It was discussed that even when a man does not pay child support he should be able to spend time with his kid, for that I agree. But recently from a Micheal Baisen show I realize there are dads that are labeled ICE CREAM DADS. These are the men that get their kid on visitation day and give them ice cream and cake for breakfast, take them to ALL the fun game spots, when all they want is love and time which has no price but is priceless. so paying child support has little meaning, when that's all you are doing

The past month or so I have heard things come out of my grand-daughter's month that anyone would know was a COACHED STATEMENT. These statements have NO relevance to the conversation we are having, they just come out of thin air. She was born a seer and I connect to her feelings better than anyone on earth. Today I have had enough of this shyt and if YOU can't see the harm that is being done, you need to get out of self.

A Good parent is going to put the needs of their child first, ALWAYS. Last week on the Michael Baisen show one of the topics was has your mom/dad put a boyfriend/girlfriend before a child. Too many times men/women don't realize it's the little things that are important to kids and most of those little things cost nothing.

My son has started dating a woman that is BANKED UP, buying him all sorts of shyt, a new truck, a 3000,00 house and today 1200.00 dead locks. I have NO respect for a woman that has to buy a man and I have even less respect for a man that can be bought. YES I SAID IT, I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR MY OWN SON.

My son claims he is comfortable, yet he is sneaking around trying to be with his ex wife. My son has told me that sex with this new girlfriend is bad, but with his wife it is the bomb. He is suppose to be engaged to this new girlfriend. She is 39 years old with 3 children age 20, 19 and 6. Now she wants to have a baby (Yeap I'm blank staring this shyt). After age 35 women have some dried up eggs, making the risk of not having a normal baby very high. I have one grand-daughter and that's all I'm ever going to have. They can have a baby with 3 ears, a water head or Down's Syndrome if they like but, I will have nothing to do with it. YEAP I SAID IT SO TAKE THAT TO THE BANK.

A side note, this woman has 3 children and although she claims the first two have the same father (You know I investigate everything) I have found the father's facebook page and he only list one of the two as his daughter, and she is too for she looks like him. The other girl don't look like either of them and they never married. Her 6 year old, she says she was married to the man, however I have learned that this man too took flight when this child was about 2 years old. He came down with terminal cancer and this woman moved him into the basement of the duplex next to her where she cared for her mother. A statement that just floors me is that it took 2 years for him to die (blank stare again). This man died a few months ago at 6 in the morning and she had him cremated by 10 in the morning the same day. Yes he had family here that did not get to see him or have any input. Was there a memorial service, NO.

As if all this shyt ain't bad enough here is the biggie. She takes mentally impaired people into her home to care for them (this is where the big bucks comes in) One guy is so far out there that he keeps checking into the metal hospital, on his last discharged he is so heavily medicated that he now sleeps 18 hours a day. She gets 5,000 a month to keep him. The other two (2,500.00 a month) are night owls one thinks he is a late night DJ and the other patrols the house as a policeman. And the idiot I have to call son has my 5 year old grand-daughter in this shyt every week-end.

My grand-daughter is starting private school on the 16th of August, the tuition is over 10,000 a year that has to be paid tomorrow. My daughter-in-law (She divorced him, not me, so she is still my daughter-in-law) just called and told me that he wants to make payments so he is going to increase his child support by 100.00 a month, so I do the math 1200.00 dollars a year ain't gonna put a dent in that tuition. He tells her he will deposit 400.00 dollars in her account today cause he is getting 1200.00 dread locks and can't get away WTF.

You know I'm livid about right now, don't ya. His half would be 500.00 a month, that would be outside his child support but he is including his child support in the monthly payments. So my grand daughter is suppose to eat air and drink water..she is not suppose to have a roof over her head? Other than the uniforms I'm buying she doesn't need any cloths or shoes? Her mother pays 900.00 a month to a pre-school (one of his choosing). She is moving out of a 900.00 dollar a month condo to a 500.00 a month house closer to me so I can help get my grand child to and from school. She has a high end job with FAA because of her MBA but no matter how high end it is she can't and should not have to cover this expense alone. She is truly doing her part for the sake of her child.

I have told the world don't mess with this child for my horns will come out. They are growing as I type. That house of cards is about to take a dive and I don't give a rats ass if he is they daddy. I don't give a rats ass that this is my child. DOING THE RIGHT THING is what is important to me. And when it comes to my grand-daughter we are talking PRIORITY ONE.


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